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  • Destiny Yarbro

Simplicity = Happiness

The Dalai Lama once said,

"Simplicity is extremely important for happiness."

Boy sitting on dock with fishing pole. Simplicity = Happiness. Destiny Yarbro blog. "Simplicity is extremely important for happiness."

I have come to find that there is more happiness to be found in the lives of a small farmer, a poor fisherman, and a dedicated mother, than in the wealthiest circles of society.

I haven't done any research. I don't have any facts. I have simply seen it time and time again in my travels.

So this morning, I ask myself:

What am I missing out on because I cannot (refuse to) keep my life simple?

For those of you following my blog, you know that I have been fascinated by the concept of "Essentialism" - a term brought forward by Greg McKeown, the author of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less.

I find pleasure in busy-ness. But the older I get, the more I realize that I rarely find HAPPINESS in busy-ness. Sure, it feels good to be moving forward on multiple projects (and the world seems to applaud the most busy folks), but I am realizing that my life is lacking because I struggle to identify and focus on what matters most.

Two people fishing on river during orange/red sunset. Simplicity = Happiness. Destiny Yarbro blog. "Simplicity is extremely important for happiness."

Greg McKeown said,

"An Essentialist produces removing more instead of doing more."

The first time I read his book, I marked this sentence. Not necessarily because I understood it but because I innately knew it would become important to me; a key in my growth.

In a society that revolves around gaining more, being more, and owning more, no wonder it seems like a step backward to remove things in our lives in order to "produce more".

Man standing with fishing pole on the ocean beach with beautiful purple and dark blue clouds. Simplicity = Happiness. Destiny Yarbro blog. "Simplicity is extremely important for happiness."

The other day I asked myself: "What is absolutely essential that I do in this life?" (i.e. What do I feel like I'm meant to do with the time I have left). I expected (like other exercises I have performed in the past) that I would end up with as long of a to-do list as I had beforehand.

However, I was shocked to find that I only wrote down only three things - three projects that I felt I was meant to do. The first project was obvious - something that I had the unique life experience and skill to make happen - but I almost didn't write down the other two. I am still deciding if I am meant to do them or if they simply are things that are hard to let go of.

But isn't that surprising? A list of 10+ projects wittled down to 3 (barely). Something about the question brought me to the realization that even though there are many good things I could do in this life, there is very few best things that I know I should do.

So I ask this question to you:

What is absolutely ESSENTIAL that I do in this life?

Which of all my projects will make the most difference?

What projects am I uniquely qualified to do because of my unique life experiences?

What am I meant to do with the time I have left?

Destiny Yarbro

24 Oct 2016

Las Vegas, Nevada


Click to read: My Book List for Launching Online Businesses. Destiny Yarbro blog. 15 Minute Mentor.
Click to read: The Power of Finish Lines. Destiny Yarbro blog.
Click to read: 3 Ways to Avoid getting stuck in perfectionist rip tides. Destiny Yarbro blog.

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