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  • Destiny Yarbro

5 Reasons Why I'm Grateful to be in Utah

Growing up, I never planned on living in Utah. In fact, I was kind of against it. But, with it being Thanksgiving, I'm just feeling so grateful to be here this morning. The Lord knew I needed to be here at this time. :)

1. Utah is Absolutely Gorgeous!

I'll start with this simply because I have been enjoying Utah so much in the last two years. Between road racing, hiking, skiing, and trail running, I have been in HEAVEN! I never knew how incredible Utah really was until I started exploring.

2. Jobs With Meaning

I have been so blessed to be able to have work with meaning. Everyone is so nice here - my coworkers have been wonderful! I absolutely loved teaching ASL while a student at BYU and felt so much support with The Deaf Dream. And now I cannot believe that I get to continue to work for the Church as a remote employee. Miracles!

3. Having Brothers as Roommates

One of the highlights of my time in Utah has been living near family. It's been the little things, like playing Jenga, going for frozen yogurt, celebrating a birthday together, and just chatting for hours that have been a joy! This summer, Micah, Abram and I even got to be roommates (sibmates?) for a couple of months. I think we were all nervous to see if we could live together after almost 10 years of living in different places, but we CLICKED and had a blast. My brothers have always been my closest friends - it was awesome that we could be roommies too!

4. Living in Mormon 'Central'

It took a LONG time to adjust to being around so many Mormons. Even though I prefer being in areas where there are less members (and more opportunities to share the gospel), there have been some wonderful perks. Obviously working for the Church has been amazing. But I've also been able to attend BYU, serve as a temple worker at the Provo Temple, and be the relief society president for a functioning ward; meaning the majority of our sisters do their visiting teaching! :) Really though, it's been a incredible experience to having general authorities come visit our area, attend general conference at the Conference Center, and be able to participate in experiences like the Kekchi choir. I'm just amazed that I have been given this experience!

5. Lasting Friendships

Last, but not least, I am so grateful for all the kindred spirits and angels that have come into my life while here in Utah. Starting with my mission trainer, Sunshine, who encouraged me to consider living in Utah to my roommate, Liz, who has hiked with me daily the last year, there have been too many wonderful people to count! :)

There are SO many more reasons why my time in Utah has been a miracle, but this post is already pretty long already. ;) I'm just so grateful that the Lord sent me here at this time and opened doors for me to have uniquely Utah experiences.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!


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