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  • Destiny Yarbro

Attending the Spanish Branch + My "Chance" Meeting in Memphis [Day 4]

It's amazing how many confirmations I have received since starting this new job with Rovia. I do not know how long I am meant to have this opportunity, but I am continuously amazed at the ways the Lord lets me know that I'm in the right place.

I had so many tender mercies today that I'd like to share a few with you.

Originally I had thought that my schedule would not let me attend church this week. (I now know how to decline trips like that in the future.) But I found out that I would have more than enough time to go to one of the wards in Memphis. Through a series of delays and schedule changes this morning, the only church meeting I could attend was the Spanish branch located far away from my hotel.

I was sitting in the foyer writing in my journal when the elders walked in. Almost instantly, I recognized one of them as a young man that I used to wait with for the bus in Provo about 5 years ago. At the time, I was less than a year off the mission and struggling significantly with my health problems that came with my service. Even though thinking about the mission was painful, I was somehow able to ask this young man how his mission prep was going. A couple times he was positive and upbeat, other times he was discouraged with that challenges of preparing and saving for a mission.

"What added to my joy" was to see that 5 years later Elder Meza was serving the Lord in Tennessee!!! We couldn't believe that after all this time, we'd see each other "randomly" across the country. Even more amazing was that he finishes his mission on Tuesday - one week later and I would have missed him! An absolute miracle!!

Me standing next to two elders. The one next to me I knew from Provo.

Elder Meza is in the center.

As I walked in the door of the chapel, I sat in the back - very aware that I was wearing pants, not a skirt - but nearly all of the branch members would come say hi to me. I LOVE BRANCHES! :D One adorable family came up - come to find out the mom was from Casas (nearly Colonia Juarez where I lived!) and serves in the Young Women. Her husband is in the branch presidency and asked if I had served a mission and would be willing to speak to the young women about it.

While I gathered my thoughts, I knew I should talk about both my missions - not just my proselyting mission - my 6 month mission to Hungary and my 9 month online mission that came afterwards. As I stood up to speak, mentioned my online mission, and how members with anxiety, depression or disabilities can serve in one of the TONS of missions out there, one girl perked up and asked me a lot of questions about online missions. I do not know what her story is, but I'm so grateful I spoke about both my missions. I love the Spirit that guides us to say things we wouldn't normally say!!

I absolutely love tender mercies. They are constant. I've realized that the more I record them in my journal, the more I notice in my life. He IS there - I cannot deny it!

Happy Sabbath, everyone!


Tennessee Trip

Check out another post:

Click to read: 12 Kinds of Missions You Probably Didn't Even Know Existed. LDS Nomad Destiny Yarbro

Click to visit site: and watch online early RM firesides. LDS Nomad Destiny Yarbro

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